
haun Baxter's Guitar Gym - Fast Pentatonic Sequences In The Style of Michael Schenk by r ÿ?All the exercises are in E minor pentatonic scale... Taken from "Guitar Techniques" magazine

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haun Baxter's Guitar Gym - Fast Pentatonic Sequences In The Style of Michael Schenk

Author / Artist

r ÿ?All the exercises are in E minor pentatonic scale... Taken from "Guitar Techniques" magazine

Album r ÿ?All the exercises are in E minor pentatonic scale... Taken from "Guitar Techniques" magazine
Song author Always practise it with a metronome... Star/ with 60 BPM... ************The Strokes Are For Economy Picking...************* For E 1)Make sure that the second/G note in this six note lick is
Size 9KB
Guitar tab type

Power-Tab v4
