
iatonic Major And Minor ScalesBy Andres SegoviaN38ÿ The roman by umbers between the the staff and the TAB denotate left hand position (that's where your left hand first finger

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iatonic Major And Minor ScalesBy Andres SegoviaN38ÿ The roman

Author / Artist

umbers between the the staff and the TAB denotate left hand position (that's where your left hand first finger

Album umbers between the the staff and the TAB denotate left hand position (that's where your left hand first finger
Song author ould be). You should play every scale with the following right hand fingering 1.- i m i m i m i 2.- m / m i m i m 3.- a m a m a m a 4.- m a m a m a m 5.- i a i a i a i 6.- a i a i a i a 7.- i m a m i m a/ Each scale i
Size 27KB
Guitar tab type

Power-Tab v4
